Sunday, December 11, 2011

What I am thinking

Well i think i just went off the deep end. Why you might ask? I am creating an online store.... Never knew how much work went into creating your own business and the cost of operating. The part i thought would be fun is driving me mad i guess because i don't have the technical know-how but i am working on it. Trying to find it on the internet is like doing you own dental work. I guess that why we call it the web it a tangled mess. Ah well i guess i'll feel better when it done

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Last Class

Well first and most important I want to give a big thank you to Professor Arron Kerley for putting up with me and all my DOOM. It been a great class with all of you. I hope you all got as much out of as I did. I don't know what else to say but my hat is off to Mr. Kerley and godspeed to you and your future endeavors. Remember "if you think you are a success then you are a success if you think you are a failure then you right". Well that all for know I am thinking of continuing my blog so check back.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Some Random Thoughts

Hello everyone some random thought here:
My kids freedom is ending tomorrow that make me sad because I work to much this summer and did not get to do the things I wanted to do. And the youngest start school to and I don't think the school is ready for her.
We celebrated my wife 21st birthday again for the 27th time and I was at work that was a bummer.
speaking of work I got 38.68 hours of overtime which will result in a big check and still no time to spend it(good thing I got a wife and kids to help me out.
I seen a lot of people copy pasting their writing in their blog I thought this tip might help upload you paper to google doc set the share with anyone with the link then where it says Edit Html click there and type in (a href="url") Link text(/a) replace ( with this < and ) with this >

Last and final random is thought...... sorry I don't have one yet

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Research Paper

The doom paper is almost finish thought i put it up here to get some feedback
Research Paper

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Informational Overload

I think I am having a informational overload here trying to read and annotate all my source and the fact that I am late getting it done and it still not complete very stressful. I only have myself to blame I grab a lot of sources and I seem to be short on time with work trying to reinvent itself you should try out the new Boston Market i think the change is good but there is a lot work work that we have to put in to it, like new side dishes and table service it cool but like I said a lot of work. Here my work in progress annotated bibliography take a look let me know what you think.
Annotated Bibliography

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Literature Review

Hey everyone here my Literature Review tell me what you think thanks.
Link is now working.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Can't win for losing

When I first started going to school I was working on a degree in video game programming shortly after the school drop that discipline, woe was me. So I started looking for a new discipline interactive multimedia and design sounded good to me it, I could still incorporate what I wanted to do in designing video games. Now I am on the look out for a new discipline for interactive multimedia is no more. In other news I get to start my twenty-four day with no day off today but at lease they got the air conditioner fix, so I am not going to lose any more water weight from sweating. I start creating a new board game which I posted on google doc and you are welcome to take a gander and tell me what you think keep in mind it not finish and this is privilege information.Game Idea Please don't steal my game ideas. My youngest daughter Jenna turn five last tuesday when I ask her how old she was told me she was one hand old. She get to start kindergarden she not looking forward to it because she has to get a couple doctor shot. Johnathon my son got an ear infection due to spending to much time in the water but he nice and golden brown. Jasmyn my eldest having a rough week she had to get glasses now she a afraid the no one will like her because she different, I when thru the same thing when I got mine I' hopeful that her experience will be better then mine. My poor wife is having trouble figuring out what course she need to take because UC is switch over to semesters instead of quarters. I guess for now I'll keep heading toward that second star on the right and keep going on till morning, better yet I have research homework to do and that star not going anywhere.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Well this was supposed to be my first post but my research proposal beat me to it. I would recap my week but that would not be any fun the memory would cause my un-need pain starting with my trying to cut my finger off to how much time I spent work. Thinking about creating a organization to fight the Evil Tea Party who are holding our republican in congress hostage to their demands claiming that they are the american voice. I don't believe them. But then again what do I know? Had an idea that I should of acted on by creating a donation web-site to fix the national debt, but a couple in New York develop it before me and the got the CNN interview and I get to say I thought of that before them. It a slow week in my game development doing research on how to make a puzzle game is slow going. Well that all I got to say till next time.

Research Proposal

In the word of Zim "Victory is mine!" research proposal is done and on time cheers. Post this and then on to annotated bibliography.